Long gone are the days of staying in one job for your entire career, and with recent industry layoffs, the job market is now more competitive than ever.
Below is some expert advice for candidates who are on the job hunt.
Reach out to your ‘dream company’
You don’t need to wait until you see a job advertised in the company you want to work for, you can reach out to them directly. This means you may be top of mind when they are looking for someone. At the very least, they will admire the initiative you’ve taken to put yourself out there. This is the sort of thing that sticks in peoples’ minds.
Ask for feedback
When you get told ‘sorry, you didn’t make it through to the next round’, it can be easy to want to just shove it under the carpet and forget about it. But you won’t gain anything from that rejection if you don’t ask WHY?
Cut yourself some slack
When you put so much pressure on yourself, you’re not going to think rationally and logically when applying for jobs. Make sure your mindset and attitude are positive, and the right job is more likely to come your way.
Use your connections
Start reaching out to people you know, connections on LinkedIn or people who are working in areas you are interested in and simply asked them for a referral or for any tips on how they got their foot in the door.
With so many companies still hiring at the moment, why not dive into the job hunt this side of Christmas? If you’d like to talk to someone and get some advice on how to look for a new opportunity, feel free to get in touch with our team here at TalentHub.
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